Thursday, June 21, 2007


It is hard to say good bye to people who appreciates so much.Thanks you to all the volunteers teachers for so many cooperation; Claudia, Gloria, Clive, Joanne and Frances.Lora and Ned thanks so much.Thanks you all for teaching me so much !! they are always going to be blessed.Thanks to all my school friends; Zue Hua, Belkis, Chun Nui, Aura, Linda Kou, Tracy, Feng Meie, Sheng Lin, Jeff, Fatima, Isabel, Zong Meng, Hui Qiong Tan and the beatiful lady Nina Dong!! I learn much from of each one of you, differentss cultures and languages of differents countries.One in individual was the chinese culture, calm peoples.My hispanic culture, with that beautiful seasoning in all hispanic foods.I`m going to miss everyone!! GOOD BYE, ADIOS, SHIEH- SHIEH , ADEUS, CIAO, ALOHA, SAYHONARA, CHAO!!!...FLACO


Ned C. Gardner said...

Hey Flaco,

Good job. I am very happy to see you still posting to your blog. Great drawings of your classmates too. I love the one of Sheng Lin dreaming of turtle soup.

I'll see you tomorrow night, right?

Take care.


Joanne said...

Dear Flaco,
I finally was able to read it! Thank you so much. You made me cry (again)! And the drawings are WONDERFUL, as usual, especially the portraits of Sheng Lin, Nina, and Belkis!